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28 November 2003
Christ is King!
The Cross is the central factor of Jesus' life. He was born to die, so that we who are destined for death can know life. The gospel writers and Paul each in their own way describe the crucifixion in kingly terms, as if it is here that Jesus receives the right to be king.
Have you ever been involved in or observed a ceremony which celebrated or inaugurated something really important?
Read Matthew 27:27-56. What sort of people were generally crucified? What does this say about the judgment people made about Jesus?
How many references are made in this chapter to Jesus being a King? Some scholars believe that the crucifixion is almost like a coronation ceremony. Do you agree that this is how Matthew has told the story?
What difference does it make to think about the cross as a place of glory?
What do you think is happening in vs. 45 and 51-53 with a series of unusual events? What do these events mean?
What does Jesus' death mean for you?
Next week we will again be having an outreach night. What will your group be doing on that night?
21 November 2003
Christ is King!
Can we imagine what it must have been like for the King of Glory to be born in the squalor of a cattle shed? Why would He do it? What are the truths behind the myths of Christmas?
Have you ever spent time with someone who was extremely poor financially? What was this experience like?
Read Luke 2:1-8. try to describe in as much detail as you can, what it was like in that stable. What were the sounds, the sights, the smells?
What feelings would Mary and Joseph had during the birth?
Geoff Bullock makes the point that everyone in Bethlehem was a relative of Joseph, yet none made any attempt to show kindness to his pregnant wife. What does this tell us about Jesus' birth?
Compare the humble situation of Jesus' birth with the grand description of Him given in last week's study in Colossians 1:15-20.
What do you think God was thinking when He chose a stable rather than a palace, a shed instead of a hospital?
What new insight have you gained about the reality of Christmas?
We are approaching Christmas, again. This is a time of year when people are more open to thinking about Jesus. How can our group help people draw closer to Him?
14 November 2003
Christ is King!
In the wind-up to the frantic activity which the end of the year brings in this part of the world, it's wise to spend some time contemplating the real reason for the season. So for the next few weeks we will be thinking about the topic of “Christ Is King.” The hope is that we will be challenged to make Him King of our own lives.
If you could be ruler of the world for a day, what changes would you make?
Read Colossians 1:15-23. What feelings come to you as you read this?
What do you think it means when it says “Christ is exactly like God” (v.15)?
If everything was created by Jesus, what does this say about the world we live in?
Jesus is the head of the church (v. 18). As a christian you are a part of the church. What does this mean for your life? In what ways does your life need to change for Jesus to be King?
How can you “stay deeply rooted and firm in your faith” (v.23). What do you need to do to become more firm?
Spend some time praising Jesus for His wonderful nature and praying for one another.
We are approaching Christmas, again. This is a time of year when people are more open to thinking about Jesus. How can our group help people draw closer to Him?
Share Groups October 31, 2003
Fruit of the Holy Spirit 3
Last week we discussed three of the nine qualities referred to as the Fruit of the Spirit- these three relate to our temperament or the way we handle our feelings. These qualities are joy, peace and patience.
This week we look at the final group of three which relate to integrity- goodness, faithfulness and self-control.
How has God been helping you grow more like Him over the last few weeks? Have there been times when your “fruitiness” has been put to the test?
Read Galatians 5:22-23. Our last group of fruit relates to integrity. How would you define integrity in your own words?
The term translated “goodness” refers to inner moral worthiness, both a passion for truth and a valuing of other people. Can you think of some incidents in Jesus' life which demonstrate goodness?
Faithfulness is a commitment to other people regardless of circumstances. Who is someone you would consider yourself as being faithful to? What are some things that make it hard to be faithful to another person?
In what areas do you find it easy to exercise self-control? What areas can be difficult?
Over the last few months we have been talking in some detail about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. What has been one thing you have learned from these discussions?
Pray for one another to grow in these fruit of the Spirit.
Next week is an outreach night. What is your group going to do, and who are you going to invite?
October 24, 2003
Fruit of the Holy Spirit 3
Last week we three of the nine qualities referred to as the Fruit of the Spirit- these three may be described as relational because they help us relate to other people- love, kindness and gentleness.
This week we look at the next group of three which relate to our temperament or the way we handle our feelings. These qualities are joy, peace and patience.
Last time we prayed about our relationships and for more love, kindness and gentleness in our lives. How has God answered that prayer for you?
Read Galatians 5:22,23. Tonight we are looking at the three qualities which relate to our feelings- joy, peace and patience.
What is the difference between joy and happiness? What is it about following Jesus which brings us joy?
Can you describe a time in your life when you were aware of joy in your heart?
Read John 14:25-27. What is your definition of peace? Where does peace come from?
In what situations do you find yourself needing the peace of God?
Would you describe yourself as a patient person? Why?
What really tests your patience?
Pray for one another to grow in these fruit of the Spirit.
Spend some time praying for non-christians to be saved.
October 17, 2003
Fruit of The Holy Spirit 2
In the last group time we looked at what the bible refers to as the Fruit of the Spirit. These qualities are character traits which the Holy Spirit grows in us in order to make us more like Jesus. Over the next few weeks we are going to make a more detailed look at these qualities and ask the Holy Spirit to grow these fruit in us.
The fruit of the Spirit can be divided into 3 groups of three... the relational qualities (love, kindness, gentleness), temperament qualities (joy, peace, patience) and integrity qualities (goodness, faithfulness, self-control).
This week we are looking at the first group- the relational qualities.
What are some things you have learned about God since we last met?
Read Galatians 5:22,23. Tonight we are looking at three of the qualities which speak of how we relate to others.
How would you define the word love? Do you think the word is misused in our society? Why?
Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. From this description of love, how do you measure up in loving your neighbours and those around you?
What do you think is meant by the word “kindness”?
Some years ago a christian pastor invented the term “random acts of kindness” to describe a way of living God's grace in our depersonalised society. For example, he would pay the bridge toll for the car behind him, or give away drinks in the park to strangers on a hot day. How do you think these acts of kindness can open people up to God's love?
What is the difference between weakness and gentleness? Do you think that people often get them mixed up?
Of the three qualities we have talked about tonight which do you need God's help with? Pray for one another.
Our Share Groups do not exist for our own benefit alone, but to reach out to friends with God's love. Talk about how you might do that in the next few weeks.
Share Groups September 26, 2003
Fruit of The Holy Spirit
As we continue our study of the ministry of the Holy Spirit we now look at how the Spirit changes us to become more like Jesus. The qualities which relate to the character of God are referred to as the fruit of the Spirit from an analogy in Galatians 5:22. (Note the CEV does not use the word “fruit” in this verse, so you may need to read it in NIV). The gifts of the Spirit are given for us to share in Jesus' power; the fruit of the Spirit are given for us to share in His nature.
What is your favourite fruit? What makes it so special for you?
Read Galatians 5:16-26. What sort of things are produced by our sinful nature? How would you describe these things?
What sort of things does the Holy Spirit produce in a believer? What's the difference between the two lists?
How do you think we can increase God's qualities and decrease the sinful qualities in our lives?
Looking back on your life, can you see how God has changed you?
What are some areas where God still needs to do some work to make you more like Jesus?
Continue to pray for people to become christians.
September 12, 2003
Ministry Gifts of The Holy Spirit
In the last two studies, we have looked at the Manifestation Gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 and the Motivational Gifts of Romans 12. We saw that any believer can and should expect to operate in any of the manifestations and that every person has at least one or two of the motivational gifts. Tonight we look at the final list of gifts, often referred to as the Ministry Gifts
What was the most memorable Christmas you ever had?
Read Ephesians 4:7-15. Read verse 5 in a couple of different versions. What do you think this verse means?
The list of ministry gifts is in verse11. What is different about this list to the other lists we have looked at?
Do you think everyone has these gifts? Why?
What are each of these ministry gifts about? (i.e. What is the task of the person with each of these gifts?)
Who are the people in this church who have those gifts?
According to verse 12 -13, what are these gifts meant to achieve?
How will we know these gifts have finished their work?
Pray for those people who came to your group for the first time last week. How will you continue to share with these people?
September 5, 2003
Manifestations of The Holy Spirit
This week we look at the second listing of gifts in the New Testament, the Motivational Gifts. Whereas the manifestation gifts of 1 Cor. 12 are available to any christian at any time, the Motivational Gifts are “hard-wired” into our personality.
Out of the following activities, which would you rather do, and why?
a. Construct a new play area at the church.
b. Watch somebody else construct the new play area
c. Design plans for a new play area at the church.
d. Read a book about how great heroes of the faith have built play areas
e. Write instructions about safe procedures for building play areas
f. Donate $1000 for children's equipment
g. Lead a cheer squad to encourage the play area construction team.
Read Romans 12:3-8. Why does God give people different gifts, rather than making them perfect at everything?
Look through the gifts listed in verses 6 to 8. Are there any you don't understand? (NB prophecy here is often called insight- it's the ability to look at the hearts and motives of people and to correct them when they are wrong)
Go around the members of the group and share briefly what you think their motivational gifts are.
Do you think that you use your motivational gifts effectively for the sake of the Body of Christ? What needs to change to allow you to do this?
Pray for one another and for a growth in gifts.
Next week is our Outreach Night. Please finalise your plans for that night and pray for those who will be coming.
August 29, 2003
Manifestations of The Holy Spirit
Over the next three weeks we will be looking at the three major listings of “gifts” of the Holy Spirit in the Bible. These are the manifestations of 1 Corinthians 12:7-11, the motivational gifts of Romans 12:6-8 and the ministry gifts of Ephesians 4:11. We could spend months on this topic, but we won't. This is rather meant as an introduction and an encouragement for people to set their hearts on seeking God's will for them.
Can you think of a time when you were particularly aware of the power of God at work?
Read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. What is Paul's main point in this passage?
The word “manifestation” means “the act of revealing.” What does it mean to say that the Holy Spirit reveals Himself in these ways?
List the nine manifestations mentioned here. What do these gifts do and how do they work?
Which of these manifestations have you personally experienced?
What is Paul saying in v.7?
Pray for one another to receive a greater measure of ability to be used by God through these manifestations.
Cell groups are about outreach. In two weeks' time we will be having another outreach night. Talk about what you will do on that evening, and plan something concrete, including who to invite.
August 22, 2003
Baptism In The Holy Spirit
This topic is a very important one in terms of people's understanding of where they stand with God. You will need to allow time to pray with those who have not yet been baptised in the Holy Spirit.
When you have doubts about the reality of God in your life, what helps you to remember that He is really there?
Read Acts 2:1-21. What is the importance of this incident for the disciples? Why is it important for us?
This experience of the coming of the power of the Holy Spirit is often referred to as the “baptism in the Holy Spirit.” Why do you think it is called this? (Note for leaders: the phrase “baptism in the Holy Spirit does not occur in the Bible... although the phrase “baptise with the Holy Spirit” does. However the experience is thoroughly scriptural.
In this incident, the disciples speak in other languages for the first time. What is the importance of this? Do you have this experience? Mention that it is the giving of a prayer language that is the particular sign of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Describe how Peter and the others were before Pentecost. Compare this with what they were like when they received the Holy Spirit. What does this say about he Baptism in the Holy Spirit?
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a change that takes place in us which allows us to become an effective channel for God's power. It is particularly important for helping people to become christians- see verses 40-41.
Offer prayer ministry for people to receive the Holy Spirit if people would like it.
Spend some time praying for people to turn to Jesus.
August 15, 2003
Holy Spirit. The Guide.
As we progress through our study of the Holy Spirit, it is important to always keep in mind that the Holy Spirit is God. Part of the amazing Good News of God is that every follower of Jesus has God dwelling inside them. Today we are looking at how the Holy Spirit guides us.
Can you think of a time when you knew something or had an intuition about something without any obvious reason for knowing? Do you put this down to God or something else?
Read John 16:5-16. Here the Holy Spirit is referred to as “the Counsellor” (NIV) or sometimes “the Advocate.” Why do you think Jesus used these titles for the Holy Spirit?
In verses 10-11 Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit convicting people about sin, righteousness and judgment. How have you experienced this work of the Holy Spirit in your life?
How do you think the Holy Spirit guides us into truth (v. 12-13)?
Sometimes Christians are afraid of being led into spiritual deception. Why should we not be afraid of this?
This passage is about the Holy Spirit talking to us about various things. How can we learn to listen to the Holy Spirit better? What have you found helpful in this?
It is the Holy Spirit who ultimately convicts people about their need for Jesus (see John 16:8). We need to be praying that the Holy Spirit will bring our friends to the point of knowing that they need a Saviour.
August 1, 2003
Holy Spirit. Who is the Holy Spirit?
What did you think of when you first heard the phrase Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost?
What does the Holy Spirit mean to you now?
Read: Matthew 3:13-4:11. What strikes you about the account of Jesus' baptism?
What do you think it means when it says the Spirit of God came down on Jesus like a dove?
Have you ever experienced the Spirit of God coming down on you?
What do you think this experience did for Jesus?
Why do you think the Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert? (Note the original word means he threw Him into the desert).
Do you think the Holy Spirit leads us into uncomfortable/ dangerous places? Why?
Pray for one another to have a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the one who leads people into the Kingdom of God. He also directs us to praying for others to find Jesus. Who is He leading you to pray for right now?
July 3, 2003
Who Is Jesus? The Resurrection
One last week of looking at ?Who Is Jesus? Definitely the final, last week I promise! This week a few thoughts about the meaning of the resurrection.
1.Have you ever experienced or witnessed something that could be described as a miracle? What happened? How did you feel about it?
2.Read Matthew 28:1-10. Imagine you are one of the women approaching the tomb in the pre-dawn darkness. How would you feel? How would the earthquake and the appearance of the angel make you feel?
3.What were the women's reactions to seeing Jesus? Why?
4.What do you think is the importance of the resurrection for us?
5.How do people today react to the claim that Jesus is alive?
6.How can you help others to see that Jesus really is alive.
The next few weeks are school holidays, an excellent time for thinking about extra outreach activities. Maybe you could plan something tonight.
June 27, 2003
Who Is Jesus? Lord
Over the last several weeks we have been looking at the person of Jesus, his qualities and roles. Today we continue this series by thinking about what it means to say that Jesus is Lord.
1.Have you ever met someone who carried great power or authority? How did you feel?
2.Read Revelation 5. Who is the Lamb on the throne?
3.What does it mean to say that Jesus is a King? What is He King of?
4.In verses 11-14, who is praising Jesus and why? What do you think this passage is trying to tell us?
5.How do you feel about the idea that Jesus is the ultimate ruler of the universe?
6.Christians sometimes say ?Jesus is Lord.? What exactly does this mean?
7.In your life is Jesus genuinely King or Lord always? Why?
8.Do you know of people who have taken Jesus' kingship seriously in their lives? What has this meant for them?
Who are the people you know who need to know that Jesus is the King? How can you share this with them?
June 20, 2003
Who Is Jesus? Redeemer (Part 2)
This week we continue looking at Jesus as our redeemer.
1.What is something you have had to sacrifice in your life? (Might be a dream, ambition etc.) Why did you make that sacrifice? Was it worth it?
2.Read Hebrews 10:1-17. What are the sacrifices which are talked about here?
3.What is the problem with the Old Testament sacrifices? (v.2-4)
4.How is Jesus' sacrifice different?
5.Why is Jesus a ?once for all? sacrifice?
6.Do you think there is any sin which God cannot forgive? Why?
7.Spend some time in prayer thanking Jesus for His great sacrifice for you.
We all have friends who need to know Jesus and His great love. How can we as a group reach out to these people?
May 30, 2003
Who Is Jesus? Redeemer
This week we are looking at Jesus as our redeemer.
1.Can you think of a time when you needed somebody's help but didn't know it?
2.Read Romans 3:9-31. What do you think of God's assessment of people in verses 10 to 18? Is this judgment still true or was it just back then?
3.How do you think most people would react to this passage?
4.How does God make us acceptable to Him?
5.Why did God send Jesus into the world? Do you think it would be fair to say that Jesus' only reason for living was to die?
6.How should we respond to this?
7.Why does God accept us?
8.Spend some time in prayer thanking Jesus for His great sacrifice for you.
Walking with Jesus means that we are prepared to make the same costly choices for ?sinners? that Jesus did for us. How can this group start to have that outward focus.
May 23, 2003
We've looked at Jesus as God and man. Let's take some time to think about Jesus as a person with authority.
1.How do you feel when pulled over by the police? Why are such feelings generated in us?
2.Read Luke 7:1-10. Why did the man deserve help, according to the Jewish leaders?
3.The officer describes himself as a ?man under authority.? What are some areas of authority that you are under? What are some areas where you exercise authority over others?
4.What kind of authority does Jesus have, according to this story?
5.Can you think of other incidents in Jesus' life where he shows authority over other areas of creation?
6.As christians we share Jesus' authority. In what areas of your life do you need Jesus' authority at this time?
The John-Glenn concert last week was a great night. We need to keep on thinking always about reaching out to friends etc. Maybe members of the group had friends who came to the concert- how can we build on that? How can we plan to reach some friends over the next few weeks?
May 9, 2003
Who Is Jesus? Jesus is Man
Last week we looked at the start of John's Gospel which describes Jesus as ?The Word? and emphasises His divine nature. This week we look at Jesus' humanity.
1.Share an incident where you felt totally dependent on another person. What was this experience like for you?
2.Read Matthew 1 (the whole chapter). Why do you think Matthew spent so much time naming Jesus' ancestors? Why is His family tree so important?
3.If you were God, what form would you choose to enter the world? Why did God choose to come as a baby?
4.What are the implications of the names ?Immanuel? (God is with us- v.23) and Jesus (a form of Joshua which means ?The Lord is our Saviour?)?
5.Jesus often called Himself ?Son of Man.? What do you think this name meant?
6.What does it mean to you to know that Jesus was a person just like us?
Next week we will be going to the John Glenn concert at the Town School.
It is really important that we always have a vision that looks outwards from the group. Spend some time thinking about people who might want to go to the concert, and who might like to come to the group. Pray for these people.
May 2, 2003
Who Is Jesus? Jesus is God
Christians are called to follow Jesus. That's what it means to be a christian. But who is Jesus? What sort of person is He? How can we know Him better? That's what we will be looking at over the next couple of months.
1.Apart from yourself, who is the person you know best in the whole world? Why do you know this person so well?
2.Do you think some people are easier to know than others? What makes the difference?
3.Read John 1:1-14. Why does John call Jesus ?the Word??
4.What does this passage tell us about Jesus?
5.What do you think he means when he says ?The Word became a human being??
6.How does this passage help you to know Jesus more?
Our groups are meant to be constantly looking for new members, especially people who do not know Jesus. Who are people you can invite to come to this group? How can we make it easier for them to come?
April 25, 2003
Pursuing God- Serving
Serving does not come easily in our culture where we are encouraged to be assertive, demand our rights and expect to be served by others. Jesus turns that cultural expectation on its head and tells us that the greatest is the one who serves the best.
What is one memorable occasion where somebody showed you unexpected kindness? What was remarkable about it? How do you feel about this now?
Read Matthew 20:20-28. What did the mother of James and John ask of Jesus? Why did she ask this?
What did Jesus mean by asking if they could drink from his cup?
Jesus tells us that to be great we must become servants or slaves. What does this mean?
Who are the people or groups of people whom we should serve? What are some practical ways to do this?
Sometimes people talk about having the heart of a servant. What does this mean? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? How do you get the heart of a servant?
What difference is there between serving and being a servant?
What changes do you need to make in your attitudes or actions to make you more like Jesus at this point? Pray for one another.
The John-Glenn concert is only three weeks away. Pray for the people whom you will invite to come along.
April 11, 2003
Pursuing God- Giving
We live in a world obsessed with possessions. From Saddam Hussein's marble toilets and gold taps to the constant stream of ads urging us to buy products we didn't know we wanted, greed surrounds us and demands to be satisfied. God wants us to have a different set of values.
As a child what was one toy that you desperately had to have? Why was it so important to you?
Read Matthew 19:16-30. What is it about our wealth that makes it hard to get to the kingdom of heaven?
Why did the rich young man leave Jesus sad?
What rewards does Jesus promise to those who give up everything for Him?
Many Christians follow the biblical standard of tithing, that is giving one tenth of their income to the church. Is this a good idea or a bad idea?
What are some things that might stop us giving generously to God's work, to the needy etc.?
What are the blessings that come from being generous?
As a group make firm plans tonight to have a meeting/ activity/ night out which will be inclusive for your friends. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you invite? Pray as you plan!
March 28, 2003
Pursuing God- Waiting
As we think about our theme of pursuing God, we come to perhaps the hardest thing for many people in our society- the idea of waiting on God. The early Pentecostals had a custom they called “tarrying”- when a person wanted to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, if nothing happened immediately and if the person was ready to receive, they would wait for as long as it took for God to do something. In our age of “instant” everything we need to learn again that God does not measure time in milliseconds,
In what situations do you find it hardest to be patient or to wait?
What is the longest time you have ever had to wait for something?
Who are some people in the Bible who had to wait a long time for things God had promised? (Some examples here: Abraham & Sarah, David, Jacob, Moses)
Why do you think God made them wait?
Read Genesis 12:19. What did God promise to Abram? How old was Abram at this stage?
How old was Abram when his first son was born? (Gen. 21:5)? Why such a long wait? What was God doing in the 25 years between? How would you feel if, at close to the age of 100, you seemed no closer to seeing God fulfil His plans for your life?
Along the way Abraham tried to make the promise work out his own way, with disastrous results. Are there times when you are tempted to work things out your own way instead of waiting for God?
When God makes us wait there are usually good reasons. We may not like it but that's the way things are. Trees grow at various rates- some fast and others slow. Generally speaking the trees that will last longest and produce the hardest timber are those that grow more slowly. There is a principle there for our lives also.
As a group make firm plans tonight to have a meeting/ activity/ night out which will be inclusive for your friends. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you invite? Pray as you plan!
March 21, 2003
This week we continue to pursue the theme of pursuing God- this time in the word. You might like to think about how you have experienced God in Scripture and be prepared to share some examples
What is your favourite book that you have read. Why?
What part of the Bible do you like best? Why?
Read Psalm 119:97-104. List all the things that this short passage says about God's word.
Why is the bible so important to the process of chasing God?
Can you think of a time when God met you in a particularly striking way through reading the Bible?
What might be the consequences for a christian not to read the Bible?
How can this group help you to be faithful in reading the Bible regularly?
As a group make firm plans tonight to have a meeting/ activity/ night out which will be inclusive for your friends. What will you do? Where will you go? Who will you invite? Pray as you plan!
March 14, 2003
What was the best compliment you ever received?
In what ways is worship like (or unlike) giving God a compliment?
Can you think of a time you were particularly aware of the presence of God in a worship time?
Read Revelation 4:1-11. Try and imagine what it is like in heaven around God's throne.
What words does John use to describe the worship in heaven?
Somebody once said that worship is an act in which we try to copy on earth what is happening in heaven. Do you agree? Why?
What do you think needs to happen in church to make worship more like the “real thing?”
What do you think you can do to make your worship experience more authentic?
After praying spend some time thinking about how you will reach out to the people you know with the gospel.
March 7, 2003
- We are going to start off with a series on “pursuing God” which is a paraphrase of Tommy Tenney's expression “Chasing God.” The aim of the series is to look at some habits and attitudes that we can cultivate to help us draw close to God.
Can you think of a time when you had to chase a person, a thing or a goal? What was it like? Did you catch it?
Why do you think we might need to pursue or chase after God?
One of the main ways we draw close to God is in prayer. How would you define prayer? Have there been times in your life when prayer has made God closer?
Read Psalm 55. In this psalm, David goes through a number of stages in his cry to God. What sorts of prayer is David doing in this psalm? Do you pray like this? Why?
How can we make prayer more of a conversation and less of a series of demands?
What are the most important factors in prayer in your experience?
We have been talking about prayer in our own lives. Now let's pray for some people that we know to come into God's Kingdom.
After praying spend some time thinking about how you will reach out to these people with the gospel.