The Equipping Track
The Equipping Track is the name coined by Ralph Neighbour to describe a process of equipping people to become mature christian disciples and potentially cell leaders. The actual process used by cell churches varies from place ot place, but the aim is the same.
Most churches rely on a process of osmosis to convey values and ministry skills. If you come to church every Sunday and Bible Study you will eventually grow into maturity. In cell churches, we try to mentor and train people to become the ministers of the gospel that God has called them to be.
In 2010 the Lord crystallised for me the process we are to follow here. This followed years of trying to work out how to do this in the context of a small church. In 2011 we have started a Growth Group which functions as a cell group but follows a curriculum that teaches people how to grow from New Believer to Little Child to Young Adult to Father in the faith (see 1 John 2:12-14)
In each of these sections there are 4 modules, each containing about 4 lessons. The important thing about these lessons is not so much the information learned as the confidence to trust the Holy Spirit to lead us in His ways.
1. New Believers
2. Children
Baptism/ Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Christ's Basic Bodies- Cell Life
3. Young Men
4. Fathers