Rozina Mison-The Cross
The cross is my chosen way to salvation. Do not despise the cross or try to ignore it. It is the puniskment that you all deserve but my precious Jesus my only Son took your punishment and suffered on the cross. He died alone even without me because I could not look at the sin on Him- your sin.
But I raised Him up, I raised Him to glory with me. There is no raising up without first lying down. Jesus had to lay down His life nd you must do the same. Give up what you want, what you think are your rights and concentrate on living for me and for others. My Son Jesus came to serve not to be served, and you must try to do the same.
Do not look for payment or repayment as you serve others. Give without any expectation of a return and know that I will repay you in heaven. Do not demand an accounting. I will keep no records unless you demand it. If I keep an account of yur giving I will also have to keep an acount of your taking. Do not seek to justify youself but be continually truly repenting. I will bless a sincere heart. A good attitude is worht its weight in gold.
I love you as I love every person in the world. I see what you do and don't do for each other and I am distressed when you hurt each other. Do not keep a grudge but gve all your hurts to me and I will give you the strength to keep going, the ability to forgive and the capacity to keep loving.