Prophecy for 2011 December 30th 2010- Keith Bates
The coming year of 2011 is a year of light.
I am the Lord and I will bring my light to your hearts/
Many see the light and run in fear because they do not want the light to reveal their hearts.
But you are children of the light so let my light into your hearts.
Let my light reveal your heart.
Let my light disinfect your heart.
I am the Lord of the light. I am the Redeemer of your souls.
You will go through many storms in the year ahead but rejoice in these. They are my tools to shake off the shutters from your heart so the light can get in.
Choose my light. Le the light in.
Don't let your hearts remain in the darkness.
Come to me my children. Come walk closely beside me and I will be your light.