Prophecy May 16 2000. Susan Nash. God's love for His church
My heart is open to you, eagerly waiting for you to come, for this is my desire. Your church I have set apart to be soaked in my love, totally immersed in me. I do not intend for you to be just another body of believers meeting to hear my word preached. I intend for you to be my bride - vibrant, expectant and in love with me in a way none have experienced in an earthly relationship.
Do you not hear me calling, coaxing, drawing near to you? I just want to be with you, so I can love you. So I can hold you close, dry your tears, whisper words of comfort and encouragement. I want to give of myself to you. Please don't hold back, thinking that it couldn't be so. How I long to touch deeply all the cold, hardened hearts. Hearts that have been affected by tear hurt by words, disillusioned by false teaching and witness. So many reasons, resulting in hearts that just dare not believe that I could or would want to love them. These hearts I long for to water with the soft rain of my spirit, that once more they may know life and love. Hearts that are now shrivelled and dry, I long to swell into fullness, that they may be able to give and receive love as I have always intended.
Can you hear what I am saying? I have so much to give you, but most of all I just want to be with you. Is this the God you want to know and serve? Hear my heart. No amount of time loving me is too much, yet none is too little. As you can and as you are, turn your hearts to me.
Now is the time to fall in love with me. Dare to believe there is so much more of me to know and experience and so much more in you that I can change and establish. My love is limitless. I intend for New Life to be a deep reservoir of my love.