Ephesians 6:21-22
“So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus will tell you everything. He is a dear brother and a faithful minister in the Lord. I'm sending him to you for this very purpose, to let you know how we are and to encourage your hearts.”
In the letter to the Ephesians, Paul covers topics of cosmic significance, deep issues about our place in God’s Kingdom, and how we should live. He now turns to personal greetings because church is more than ideology and grand ideas. Even the greatest of our conceptions are based in relationship with God and with one another.
Paul is sending the letter with Tychicus, his dear friend and trusted coworker in the preaching of the gospel.
Paul knew that the Ephesians would want to know about how Paul was coping in his imprisonment. Their love for Paul is described clearly in Acts 20:13-37. They would value the opportunity to hear the news of Paul, not just advice and doctrine .
Tychicus is mentioned several times in the New Testament. He carried Paul's letter to the Colossians and had been involved in part of Paul's third missionary journey (Acts 20:1-4).
For people involved in Christian ministry, there is nothing like a faithful brother in the Lord who stands with you and encourages you over a long period of time.
Tychicus was a faithful minister in the Lord. Despite the many temptations to give up, he remained faithful to the Lord and to Paul.
We sometimes lament over preachers and pastors who lose their ministry because of scandalous sin. Some even announce that they have lost their faith in the Lord. For every celebrity pastor who falls, there are undoubtedly many other less known ministers who just get worn down by the constant pressure of being at the forefront of the Christian community.
Maybe we should rejoice in those who, like Tychicus, remain faithful to the Lord and to their assignment. When we think of the intensity of spiritual warfare that surrounds every believer, but especially those called to preach the gospel, it is only the grace of God that sustains them and strengthens them in the battle.
As well as being a messenger for Paul, Tychicus seems to have had the ministry gift of encourager. Paul wanted him to encourage the hearts of the christians at Ephesus.
Every church or christian community needs that one person (or more) who has this gift of encouragement. They are the people who remind us of our purpose in dark times. They believe in us as followers and ministers of Christ. They cheer us on when the battle gets difficult. They are the ones who hold our arms up when the battle goes longer than we can endure alone (Exodus 17:10-13).
Paul did not send just anyone to carry his messages. We live in an era of constant bombardment in emails, text messages, and phone calls by people who are not interested in us, but only in our money. Rather than sending just anybody to deliver his message, Paul considered this to be a ministry in its own right. The bearer of the message had to be the right man who would go on to do much more than merely carry a letter.
Key points in these verses:
The context of Ephesians is a personal relationship between Paul and the church
Tychicus was a beloved friend and coworker with Paul
We need to pray and encourage pastors and other ministers of the gospel
We all need encouragers