Ephesians 5:15-16
“Be careful then how you live, not as unwise people but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.”
There is a choice to be made between living as wise or unwise people.
to be wise is to follow the teachings of Scripture. Jesus said that the wise man who built his life on solid rock is the man who lives on the principle of obeying Jesus’ commands. (Matthew 7:24-27)
We all have a choice to live in obedience to Christ, the wise choice, or in accordance with the desires of our sinful nature.
the Greeks were devoted in their culture to pursuing wisdom. Philosophers were celebrities because they helped people to understand what wisdom was and how to get it. There were many schools of philosophy which taught wisdom according to the teachings of their favourite philosopher.
Paul is saying that wisdom is not an abstract philosophy but is found in obedience to the ways of the Lord.
in the previous verses, from chapters 4 and 5, Paul has listed the various qualities that relate to the light and the darkness, the spirit and the flesh, God’s way and our own way. The way of wisdom lies in choosing God’s way.
in the Greek, Paul uses the word to walk, translated here as “live”. To walk in the ways of wisdom is to allow God's values to inform the choices that we make each day. Godliness does not come through making bold choices at times of crisis when the stakes seem high. True godliness is grown through wise choices made each day.
we are to make the most of the time in this walk of wisdom.
we do not know when we will be taken from this life either in the normal process of death, or by the return of Jesus. We must be sure to wisely use our remaining time, whether it be long or short.
Interestingly, Paul uses a particular word for time here. He uses the word kairos which means a special appointed time. The word for normal time is chronos which means the time measured by clocks and calendars. The times that are kairos times are the times of God's opportunity, God's appointment.
We are, therefore, to see our lives as occasions for God's activity to break through.
the conversations that we have, the opportunities to share God's love with other people, the chances to pray with and for people are all kairos times.
to be wise in the ways of the Lord is to have our eyes open to the moments of meeting with the Lord and being directed by the Holy Spirit.
these opportunities are found in the apparently chance encounters that we have with other people. Am I being asked to share the good news? Is healing or another miracle required here?
when we are in tune with the Holy Spirit, walking by faith, each day becomes kairos.
we must live in this way because the days are evil.
The Prince of Darkness controls so much of human life. The days are evil because sinful human beings continue to sin and then blame God for the consequences.
christians are not to be passive in this situation. We are called to be the light in the darkness.
we must not live as the people of the world do. We are supposed to be redeeming the darkness, showing people how to find the light. We cannot do this by living the same as everyone else.
the people of the world live as unwise because they do not know God, the giver of wisdom. As the people of God walk in the wisdom of God, we will actively turn the evil days into days of glory and righteousness.
key points in these verses:
we are to live as wise people by obeying the words of Jesus
wisdom does not come from learning, but from following Jesus
every day with Jesus is an appointed time
The times are evil but they can be turned around by christians choosing to live in obedience to Christ