Ephesians 4:23-24
“..., to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
We are to be made new in the attitudes of our minds.
god is not impressed by our cognitive intelligence or academic abilities. He knows more than we can ever know. He desires us to have a new mind that is changed in its attitude.
attitude describes our approach to life, to others, to God, and to ourselves.
an attitude of arrogance means that we have an opinion about ourselves that is higher than it should be. We treat other people as inferior, God as needing us, and our failure as somebody else is full.
an attitude of fear means that we approach life and other people as wanting to hurt us. We see God as a capricious judge ready to smite us if we step out of line.
an attitude of boldness means that we trust our own abilities, and talents to succeed in any situation.
these attitudes, and many others, are sinful. They belong to the old self, the old person. They are wrong because their emphasis is on self .
as Christians, our attitudes need to be renewed, made over, so that God is at the centre.
Arrogance should be replaced by humility that recognises that we are all made by God, and in that sense, I am no more entitled then any other person.
fear should be replaced by faith. I am a child of God, and I can trust in His protection, provision, and direction at all times. If God is for us, who can stand against us?
rather than being bold because of my own abilities, I can be confident in God’s purposes in my life .
every self-centred attitude needs to be taken off and replaced by God’s attitude .
we take off our old self in order to put on a new self. The word here in Greek is kainos, which means something completely new. It is a new species, a new type, not something renovated and made new again.
in Christ, we have a new mind, a new nature, a new self. We might think of Christ's resurrection body which was recognisable (most of the time) but had new powers that his old body did not have. Our new self has continuity with the old person, but we are something completely new and different.
we are told to put on this new self. This is not “reinventing myself” as some try to do. To put on the new self means that we co-operate with the Holy Spirit to get rid of all those qualities which Paul ascribes to the Gentiles and to become more like Christ.
This new self is created to be like God in true righteousness and true holiness.
this new self is being fashioned by God to imitate him. This is not a sausage factory cloning process in which we are all forced to be a particular personality. God creates unique reflections of His nature which we carry in a unique way.
the core of this new self is true righteousness and true holiness.
righteousness is doing what is right all the time. We were once sinful people, but now we are righteous. We have been declared righteous by God through our faith in Christ. We now have to become righteous, that is to live out that state in our daily living.
there is a self-centred form of righteousness, which seeks to draw attention to itself, often by pointing out the failings of others. Self-righteousness is the self declaring that it is right and other people are not.
True righteousness, on the other hand, is the ability to live God’s way without drawing attention to the fact. It is a form of humility in which the person just gets on with living their own best life without seeking recognition or reward for doing what is right.
to be holy is to be dedicated to God’s use. A holy vessel is one which is set apart for worship .
to be a holy person means that my life is dedicated to God’s purposes, set apart for him. I no longer make any attempt to direct my life the way I want. My plans and ambitions are surrendered to God.
this does not mean that we stop aspiring to achieve things or to seek promotion. It does mean that we allow the Lord to set the parameters for every part of our life.
False holiness seeks to be recognised for religious deeds. This is a kind of fake religion which Jesus derided. He told us we are not to pray on the street corners or announce our giving with a fanfare.
True holiness seeks God for who God is, not for the accolades of men and women. I fast for God's glory not for mine. I pray to seek God’s will not to impress others.
True righteousness and true holiness keep their focus on their source which is God. My good deeds, such as they are, flow from my relationship with God not from my own strength of character.
Key points in this verse:
god is remaking our attitudes so that He is our focus not ourselves.
we need to put on a new self which glorifies God rather than glorifying ourselves
we are created to be like God in a unique way.
true righteousness and true holiness flow from God as we seek Him for who He is