Ephesians 3:13
"I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory."
Paul's imprisonment is part of God's plan to make known the mystery, the wisdom of God, the plan of salvation. God is in control of all things, and so even Paul's imprisonment is in God's plan.
for this reason, Paul says the Ephesians should not be discouraged.
we can imagine that some christians might be asking why God would allow Paul to suffer like this. Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles, so why would God have him locked away?
we know now, with the benefit of hindsight, that Paul wrote several of his letters during his imprisonment. We could argue the New Testament would be somewhat smaller without Paul's suffering.
we also know from Acts 28:30-31 that for two years of house arrest Paul welcomed many visitors and boldly proclaimed the gospel to them.
despite his suffering, Paul was not sidelined. He was not prevented from continuing the ministry that God had prepared for him.
So Paul tells us not to be discouraged when things don't go the way we expected.
God will prevail, and nothing can stop the gospel. What is important is that we seek to be faithful in whatever task the Lord sets before us.
We need to be mature also in our understanding of suffering. Many people do become disheartened because of their own suffering or that of others. They fail to understand that God always turns every situation to our own spiritual growth .
our culture tells us that we deserve to be happy, that we should expect a fulfilled life, and that nothing bad should ever happen to us. While this is an appealing myth, it is complete rubbish. People get sick and die. There are acts of violence and abuse everyday. Disasters befall whole communities and nations .
suffering is not an interruption to the good life. It is part of the process of growing to spiritual maturity .
children don't like it when their parents say “No” to their requests. They cannot understand why the parent puts them through painful medical or dental procedures. It hurts when they are smacked for running onto a road .
the suffering and pain that we go through in life serve to shape and strengthen our spirits. We are forced to hold on to the fact that God loves us and that this painful experience is, in some way that we cannot comprehend, for our own ultimate good.
we must not lose heart then, when we, or the people we love, go through painful times.
Paul describes his sufferings as being “for you” and “for your glory.”
Paul is aware that God uses suffering for God's purposes, and that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to his purposes (Romans 8:28). This suffering that he is going through will make him stronger in his own faith and trust in the Lord.
Paul's sufferings, therefore, are for the Gentiles because he will be a better apostle for the Gentiles through his suffering. This then is for them and for their glory.
As a pastor, I know that the relatively light sufferings that I have experienced have taken me deeper into the Lord. They have also given me greater empathy for those who go through severe or extended periods of suffering. In that sense, my own suffering is for them as well as for me.
key points in this verse
We must not be discouraged by suffering- our own or others whom we love.
Suffering should draw us closer to the Lord and deepen our faith in him
God will prevail, even if we cannot see it
Suffering is not an interruption to the good life, but a part of God's plan to bring us to maturity
Our suffering can help other people and bring glory to God