The Storehouse
The simplest of ideas are often the most profound and the most life-changing.
Last weekend, Philip Alley shared his vision of a “Storehouse” of money that will allow churches to move beyond the hand to mouth mentality that just keeps us constantly on the bread line so to speak. The goal has to be on multiplying wealth so that we pass on a wealth of resources for the mission of the following generation.
The concept is simple. Instead of taking an offering that we send straight on to whatever need we see, we can instead save some of it to invest and eventually get to a place where the investment is earning more that we are receiving from offerings.
Imagine that a family decides to give $10 each week to a mission fund. Over the course of a year, they would give $520, and over 40 year they would give $20,800.
Now, imagine that the same money is divided: half goes to the mission, but half is saved and invested. Each year, half of the interest or dividend from the investment is sent to the mission, and half is re-invested.
In the second scenario, something like $23000 goes to the mission, but there is still a storehouse fund of $23,000. (This is assuming an average return of 7% which is well below the long-term growth in most financial markets such as property, shares etc.) That storehouse then goes on to continue funding missions as well as growing.
By being smart with our money, we can do far more for God’s kingdom than just by passing over the cash as it comes in.
Now imagine if we can get 20 families to each give $10 per week. Over that 40 year period we would have given away close on half a million dollars, and still have a growing asset of half a million dollars. Extend that out to 100 years and you have a 45 million dollar give away plus a $5 million store house.
The principle is that a small quantity consistently saved, together with the power of compound interest, multiplied by time, generates huge amounts of money.
Who will join us in this adventure?
Set up your weekly direct debit to this account:
Account name: New Life Christian Fellowship
BSB 802-298
Account Number: 100122184