Each year, spring time is quite hazardous in many parts of Australia. Some birds become very protective of their territories during the nesting season.
Normally placid and tame birds start to swoop pedestrians and cyclists whom they consider to be a threat. The worst among these are the Australian magpie and the plover. While they are mostly harmless, seeking to intimidate rather than injure, some individuals do make contact with people’s heads and faces.
Over recent weeks, I have been praying for the covering of the blood of Jesus when I enter a known hot spot. If a bird swoops, I command it to leave in the name of Jesus. Amazingly most of them do.
Recently I was swooped by a pair of crows, which I have never experienced before. Indignantly I told them to go and they immediately left me alone.
These are not all natural events. Some of them, if not all, are actually evil spirits that are sent specifically to harass, intimidate and distract us, even to reduce us to fear.
We might even consider them to be a sign of other events that satan is using to pull us down. If we are being attacked in a physical way, it is probably a sign that we are under spiritual attack in other areas. Sure enough there are many people in our church who are being intimidated and harassed by the enemy in various parts of their lives.
W don’t have to allow this to continue. We have been given authority over the devil and all evil spirits. Whatever realm in your live is under attack right now, surrender it to the Lord. Ask Him to cover it with the blood of Jesus and command those intimidating spirits to go in Jesus’ name.