New Life Logo Website

New Life Christian Fellowship

Growing a Community of Faith in the Love of Jesus

Serving the People of Narrabri

We worship at 10 am each Sunday,
and at 4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Click the Worship link below for more details

Keith's Blog

Blogging about faith and life in rural Australia New Life Narrabri
  • Do Good To All
  • Home Improvements- Days 24 & 25
    So, the electricians finished their work late this afternoon. The kitchen sink was late arriving but all the plumbing finished, even though the tradies had to sacrifice their prime drinking time. This is a picture of the new unit we installed in the back veranda to keep some undesirable activities out of the kitchen- that … Continue reading Home Improvements- Days 24 & 25
  • Quote for the Day
    Love would identify those who were disciples of the Nazarene, and love would separate His body from the world. Therefore, everything a Christ-follower does must be done through the lens of love. Without love, we are nothing. Micah Wilder
  • On guard.
  • We are healed…
  • Quote for the Day
    I knew what I had to do: surrender my hopes and dreams, and submit my will to His. My life would no longer be focused on my pursuit of the world, but on Christ living in me and working through me as His vessel. Micah Wilder