Cell Group Meeting 14
New Believers- Christian World-View
1. Salvation & Sin
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
If you could visit any time in history when and where would you go? Why?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Acts 1-9? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. How are we going with the idea of listening to God?
4. Read Romans 8:1-11. What do you understand by the word sin?
5. Why do you think the concept of sin is unpopular in our culture?
6. Where does sin get us to?
7. How does God set us free from sin?
8. In verse 9, Paul says we are no longer controlled by the sinful nature. Is that true in your experience? What should we do about this?
9. How would most of your friends view the idea of salvation? Is this a biblical view? How can we help them have a better understanding?
10 Pray for one another.
Who are some people we can invite to cell group?
Talk and pray.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Acts 10-19 and come with any questions you might have.
Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Cell Group Meeting 15
New Believers- Christian World-View
2. Spiritual & Physical
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is the coldest place you've ever been to? What was it like?
One Thing Remains
1. Homework. Did everyone read Acts 10-19? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. What does the word spiritual mean to you?
4. Read John 3:1-21. Dark & light, above & below- code for spiritual and physical.
5. Who is the author of spiritual life? Why is this important?
6. What are the requirements for feeing our spiritual life? Do these conflict with our physical life?
7. How do you think we should prioritise spiritual practices?
8. What would happen if we were to literally put our relationship with God ahead of everything else?
9. Pray for one another in pairs- not couples.
Organise our next outreach event. Barbecue June 5th
Who are some people we can invite to cell group?
Talk and pray.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Acts 20-28 and come with any questions you might have.
Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Cell Group Meeting 16
New Believers- Christian World-View
3. Sovereignty of God
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Have you ever felt like your life was out of control? What was it like?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Acts 20-28? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. What do you understand by the sentence “God is in control?
4. Read Mark 4:35-41. What stands out in this passage?
5. What does Jesus' authority over the storm teach us?
6. What was the response of the disciples to this event?
7. We can go through storm-type experiences in life? What does this passage tell us about our stormy lives?
8. God is in control even when we are not! God love us. How can we get the power of this assurance into our heads and hearts?
9. Jesus rebuked the disciples for their lack of faith in him. What are some ways that we can grow in our trust?
10. Is anyone going through a storm now? Pray for one another in pairs- not couples.
Who are some people we can invite to cell group?
Talk and pray.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Psalms 11-20/ Acts 20-28 and come with any questions you might have.
Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Cell Group Meeting 17
New Believers- Christian World-View
4. Authority of Scripture
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
When it comes to getting something new do you read the instructions first or do you prefer to muddle through?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 11-20? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. Read 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. Why is the Word of God important? What does it do?
4. Is there a Bible verse that you have found helpful in making a decision?
5. What can we trust the Bible for?
6. What makes are some things that help you read or understand the Bible? What makes it harder?
7. How do you judge if a preacher or Bible teacher has got their act together with God?
8. Is anyone going through a storm now? Pray for one another in pairs- not couples.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Cell Group Meeting 18
New Believers- Christian World-View
5. Naturally Supernatural
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is one really good thing to have happened in the last fortnight?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 21-30? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. Read Acts 2:42-3:12. What strikes you about this passage?
4. What are the characteristics of real church?
5. Can you think of other episodes in the Bible where similar things happen?
6. What stops these things from happening?
7. Why do we get surprised at healings, answered prayers and signs and wonders?
8. How can we move forward in our expectation of God using us supernaturally?
9. What is one situation in your life where a “naturally supernatural” response is needed? What would Jesus do in that situation?
10. Get together in groups of three to pray.
Housekeeping/ Homework