New Believers-
Sharing Faith
Cell Group Meeting 6
New Believers- Sharing Faith
1. Giving A Testimony
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
If you were to paint this last week, what colour would you use?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Mark 10-16? Any problems? Any questions?
2. We are going to start a series this week on sharing your faith. What feelings does the word evangelism raise in you?
3. Read John 4:1-42. What did Jesus do that was unusual?
4. What strikes you about the conversation between the woman and Jesus?
5. What is the result of the woman's testimony?
6. Our testimony or life-story is a powerful thing. 2 Timothy 1:7-9
7. Hand out testimony worksheets, encourage people to write out their testimony under the headings of
“Before I meet Jesus”
“How I met Jesus”
“Since I met Jesus”
Why I am still a Christian.
Put empty chair in middle of group. Pray for the next person to fill it.
Cell Group Meeting 7
New Believers- Sharing Faith
2. Gospel Content
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is the hardest thing you have ever done?
Read Psalm 96:1-3, then 4-6 then 7-11-- use as inspiration for prayers of adoration
1. Homework. Did everyone read Genesis 1-11? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week? How did you find the testimony worksheet?
3. If someone asked you to summarise the Good News in one sentence, what would you say?
4. Read John 3:10-21. What are the key elements of the gospel here?
5. Jesus is speaking here to someone who is steeped in a Jewish culture. Take a moment to focus on one of your friends who doesn't know Jesus. How would you unpack the gospel so they can understand it?
6. What is the biggest obstacle for people to receive Jesus in Narrabri?
7. What is the biggest obstacle you face in talking about Jesus?
Put empty chair in middle of group. Pray for the next person to fill it.
Cell Group Meeting 8
New Believers- Sharing Faith
3. Inviting
What is the most memorable invitation you ever received?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Genesis 1-11? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. We've talked about the process of faith sharing- testimony and gospel content. The real point is inviting people to follow Jesus. That is what we will focus on this week.
4. Read John 1:35-51. In this passage we see a number of invitations issued. Who is inviting whom to what?
5. When we share the gospel what are we inviting people to do?
6. Do you find it hard to invite people to move from “belief” in God to action or decision? Why is this?
7. In the passage, we see a combination of natural relationships, personality types, excited conversation and supernatural spiritual gifting. Do you see such combinations working in your own experience? How can we build on this process?
8. Who are the people that you need to invite into a relationship with Jesus? How will you handle an acceptance? How will you handle a “not yet”?
Put empty chair in middle of group. Pray for the next person to fill it.
Cell Group Meeting 9
New Believers- Sharing Faith
4. Tricky Questions
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What would you say was your greatest sporting achievement?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Genesis 12-22? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. If someone were to ask you what difference has following Jesus made to you personally, how would you answer?
3. We've talked about faith-sharing: testimony, the facts of the gospel and how to invite someone to follow Jesus. Today we look at some of the tricky questions that people come up with. This is one fear factor that people have in sharing the gospel.
4. Read Matthew 21:23-27, 22:15-22. How does Jesus handle tricky questions?
5. What are some of the hard questions that people ask you, or put up as objections to the gospel? How can we answer those questions?
If they can't think of any, try these:
a. If God is good why is there so much suffering in the world?
b. Why did God let my baby die?
c. All religions are the same- equally bad or they all get you to heaven.
d. Why would God allow people to go to hell?
e. Why are christians so judgemental?
6. Let's organise an event as a cell group to invite people to-- Easter/Anzac weekend?
Put empty chair in middle of group. Pray for the next person to fill it.
Cell Group Meeting 10
New Believers- Sharing Faith
5. Wrap
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is the thing you most desire in the world?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Genesis 12-22? Any problems? Any questions?
2. Were there any opportunities to talk to people about Jesus this week?
3. Read Mark 16:9-20, the so-called “Longer Ending” of Mark.
4. Show video “Lost At Sea” by Reinhard Bonnke- available on youtube (
5. What comes out in this video? Which character do you identify with? Do you think its depiction of church is accurate?
6. Who is responsible for telling the gospel to the world? What stops us?
7. How can we be more effective in sharing our faith?
8. Let's organise an event as a cell group to invite people to. Think of the people that we have been praying for. What sort of event would they like to come to? How do we then bridge the gap to cell group?
Put empty chair in middle of group. Pray for the next person to fill it.