Cell Group Meeting 42
Young Men- Intercession
1. Power of Prayer
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Can you think of a time when God answered a prayer in a way that was unexpected?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Joshua 9-16? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Last week we talked about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Is there anything that you experienced since then or wish to talk about further?
4. Read 1 John 2:12-14. This has been the scripture that ties everything together for last year and this year for this group. Today we start on the “Young Men” section. What does John say about the “young men” in the faith? We are going to be looking at 4 areas- Intercession, Spirit of Sonship, Spiritual Warfare and Leadership.
5. Read James 5:13-20. What does James mean in v.16? Why do you think confessing sins is important in intercession? What does the second half of the verse mean?
6. Why does James use Elijah as a role model?
7. What sorts of things can or should we pray about?
8. What stops us from having a lively prayer life or effective intercession ministry?
9. What are you going to do about your prayer life?
10. Pray for one another.
Yarrie Lake trip this Saturday. Who are we inviting? What time? Details
Break into smaller groups to pray for the people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Where will we meet?
Read Joshua 17-24
Cell Group Meeting 43
Young Men- Intercession
2. Listening Prayer
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is your favourite style of music? What do you like about this style?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Joshua 17-24? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. What did you think of our outreach event on Saturday?
3. Last week we talked about the the power of prayer. Is there anything that you experienced since then or wish to talk about further? Have you had prayers answered?
4. Read Acts 9:1-19. What does this passage tell us about hearing God?
5. Prayer is meant to be a two way conversation. What are some things that might stop us hearing God's voice? What can we do to over come these?
6. Listening Prayer is a method of stopping to listen. It doesn't matter if you don't physically hear a voice as such. The important thing is to stop and be available.
7. Exercise: Hand out paper and pens. Read slowly Matthew 5:3- 12. Listen for key words. Listen for the heart of God. Then write down a prayer that comes from that.
8. Pray for one another.
Break into smaller groups to pray for the people on the list.
What should we do for your next outreach?
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Where will we meet?
Read Colossians
Cell Group Meeting 44
Young Men- Intercession
3. Declaration
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is your favourite promise from Scripture? Why is this special?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Colossians? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Last week we talked about the Listening Prayer. Is there anything that you experienced since then or wish to talk about further? Have you had prayers answered?
4. Read Acts 3:1-11 What stands out to you in this passage?
5. How did Peter speak to the man?
6. In intercession a declaration is a statement of God's intention to a situation, a stronghold or a demonic spirit. In speaking it out, the declaration brings spiritual power to change a situation by applying the words of God. Can you think of any examples of this in Scripture?
7. Why do you think we are reluctant to do this?
8. What are some situations where we can clearly claim the promises of God's will? What are some situations where we might want to be more careful?
9. Declaration exercise. What is a situation you know of where God's will is clear? What are God's promises for that situation? Get together in pairs. Share one situation then spend time declaring God's promises, God's intent.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Where will we meet?
Read Judges 1-10
Cell Group Meeting 45
Young Men- Intercession
4. Boldness
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
How has your week been since we last met?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Judges 1-10? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Last week we talked about Declaring Prayer. Is there anything that you experienced since then or wish to talk about further? Have you had prayers answered?
4. Read Acts 4:23-31 What stands out to you in this passage?
5. How would you describe this prayer? How do you feel about this kind of prayer?
6. What factors can make us bold in prayer? What kind of things stop us being bold?
7. People sometimes use the phrase “if it's your will” in prayer. Do you think this is a good thing?
8. Can you think of a time when you prayed a prayer that was right off the scale in terms of boldness? What happened?
9. Pray for one another.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Where will we meet?
Read Judges 11-20