Fathers- The Presence
1- Abiding
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is a place you like to go to in order to just hang out?
1. Homework. Did everyone read 1 Corinthians 1-8? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We are starting a series this week on walking in the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is going beyond just praying in tongues or occasional glimpses of glory. It's inspired in part by Bill Johnson's book “Hosting the Presence”.
5. Are there times in your life when you are aware of the presence of God? What spurs this? What is it like?
6. Read John 15:1-17. What does Jesus mean when he tells us to remain in him? How does he intend for us to do this?
7. What are the results of remaining in Christ?
8. What are some practical things that we can do to foster this abiding relationship with Christ?
9. Pray for the people on the outreach list.
Next outreach event?
Housekeeping/ Homework
Fathers- The Presence
2- Hearing
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What kind of sound, noise or music makes an impact on you?
1. Homework. Did everyone read 1 Corinthians 9-16? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We talked in the past about listening prayer and hearing God's voice. How does this work out in your life?
5. Read Acts 10:1-23. What stands out in this passage?
6. What were the means God used to speak to Cornelius and Peter? What were they doing at the time? What does this tell us about hearing from God?
7. What things can help us to hear God? What things can stop us? Making it personal, what works or doesn't work for you?
8. Read John 10:27,28. Hearing the voice of the shepherd is essential to being a disciple.
9. Pray for the people on the outreach list.
Next outreach event?
Housekeeping/ Homework
Fathers- The Presence
3 The Presence
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Have you ever had a close encounter with someone famous?
1. Homework. Did everyone read 2 Corinthians 1-7? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session about hearing God?
4. What would you understand about the term the presence of God? What emotional impact does the phrase have on you?
5. What are some ways that God's presence is seen or experienced?
6. Read 1 Samuel 1 Kings 8:1-16. Why did God's presence fall with such power?
7. What are some things that help us experience the presence of God? What are some things that hinder this?
8. How can we help each other move into deeper experiences of prayer and worship?
9. Pray for the people on the outreach list.
Next outreach event Picnic at Sawn Rocks 13/10. We need to be praying about this and whom we will bring.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Fathers- The Presence
4 The Power
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Which powered tool or appliance do you most appreciate in your daily life? Why?
1. Homework. Did everyone read 2 Corinthians 8-13? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session about the presence of God?
4. Read Psalm 16. What strikes you about this passage?
5. What does it mean to set the Lord always before me?
6. What are some practical things that we can do to ensure that we walk every day in the presence of God?
7. In the book “Hosting the Presence”, Bill Johnson talks about how the Holy Spirit appeared to come upon Jesus as a dove on his shoulder. He then asks if we walked through life as if we had the dove on our shoulder, how would that change us?
8. According to Psalm 16, what are the results of living in the sense of the presence of God?
9. Pray for the people on the outreach list.
Next outreach event Picnic at Sawn Rocks 13/10. We need to be praying about this and whom we will bring.
Housekeeping/ Homework