Fathers- Ministry Gifts
1- Purpose
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What was one of your warmest childhood memories?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Exodus 17-24? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. Starting this week to look at Ministry Gifts. Read Ephesians 4:1-16. What strikes you in this passage?
5. What are the gifts? What are their purpose?
6. Do we see these gifts actually working to this purpose? How should we see them operating in the church do you think?
7. What would the kind of maturity of v.13 look like?
8. What part do you think you can play in this?
Spend some time praying for the people on the list. What will we do next?
Fathers- Ministry Gifts
2- Apostles
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is your favourite dessert?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Ezekiel 25-32? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We are looking this week at apostles. What do you understand an apostle to be?
5. Read 1 Thessalonians 2. What qualities stand out here? What should apostles look like?
6. Paul describes himself as a father (v.11). How does a father differ from other forms of leadership?
7. What are some of the issues that stop people from relating to apostolic leaders?
8. Pray for each other, the church and Apostle John Alley.
Revise the prayer list. Are we still praying for these people? Do we need to change the list? Remind people of George Mueller who prayed for people for years. One guy he prayed for 52 years became a christian weeks after Mueller's death.
Fathers- Ministry Gifts
3- Prophets
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
If you could enter any Olympics event what would it be?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Ezekiel 33-40? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We are looking this week at prophets. What do you understand a prophet to be? Have you had any prophetic experience?
5. Read 1 Corinthians 14:26-40. What does this teach us about the operation of the gift of prophecy?
6. What should be the main focus of prophetic words?
7. What takes someone from being a prophet as per 1 Corinthians 14 to being an Ehecians 4:11 prophet?
8. Do you know of anyone who might be described as a prophet?
9. Pray for each other, the church and prophets.
Remind people of George Mueller who prayed for people for years. One guy he prayed for 52 years became a christian weeks after Mueller's death.
Fathers- Ministry Gifts
4- Evangelists
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
How did you become a Christian?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Ezekiel 33-40? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We are looking this week at evangelists. Who are some evangelists that you know of? What sets them apart from other christians?
5. Read Acts 8:4-8, 26-40. What was Philip's driving passion? What was his message?
6. What are some factors that make it easier to share your faith? What are some factors that make it harder?
7. Remembering that ministry gift evangelists are there to help build the church to maturity, what would it look like to have someone filling that role?
8. How can we encourage one another to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5)
9. Pray for each other, the church and prophets.
Next outreach event?
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Ezekiel 41-48
Fathers- Ministry Gifts
5- Pastors and Teachers
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What is one thing you would like to achieve in your life-time?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 91-100? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. We are looking this week at pastors/teachers. Note that the way the text is written suggests that the two are one.
5. Read 1 Timothy 3:1-7. Note that the term used here is elder, which is a generic position. What qualities does Paul give that pastoral leaders should have? If you were drawing up the list, what would you add or take away?
6. What is important about this list?
7. Do you think churches always think about this list when choosing leaders?
8. This is a dangerous question, meant to provoke thinking rather than ordaining anyone for a position. Imagine you were a leader in a church, would you gifting lead you more to apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher?
9. Pray for the people on the outreach list.
Next outreach event?