Cell Group Meeting 58
Fathers- Introduction
2- Journey Guides
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Who was a teacher who really made an impression on you? What was it that has stayed with you?
Heaven's Gates (2)
Shepherd (9)
Highly Exalted (13)
1. Homework. Did everyone read Ezekiel 9-16? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. Need for growth in our walk with Father.
5. Read the Introduction to “Continuing Your Spiritual Journey”
6. Participants do the sections “Understanding Your Present State of Growth” and “Testing Your Bible Knowledge”
7. Share answers to “Understanding Your Present State of Growth”. What needs emerge here? How can we help people to grow in Christ?
8. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Next outreach is a games night 23rd at Kerry's place. Pray for the people on the list and for this event. Make sure you invite some people!
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Do the Journey Guide
Cell Group Meeting 59
Fathers- Introduction
2- Journey Guides
Welcome (Ice Breaker) Grant
What has been something good that has happened this week?
Worship- Kerry
1. Homework. Journey Guides- see below
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session?
4. Need for growth in our walk with God. Ask: how many people have been through this kind of spiritual self-assessment before? Did you find this helpful? Are any actions that you might want to take as a result of this?
5. Maturity- combination of grace and self-effort, in the sense that there are some disciplines we need to learn. Biggest problem with church is that we think salvation is the goal.
6. Go through the last section “Your Journey Map”. Obviously the aim is to score 5 on each question. What actions do you need to take to change? Get overall score to see the gaps in understanding.
7. Talk about coaching and encounter weekend. Long-term plan is to have everyone in a coaching relationship.
8. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Next outreach is a games night on Saturday at Kerry's place. Pray for the people on the list and for this event. Make sure you invite some people! Finalise food.
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Psalms 81-90
Cell Group Meeting 60
Fathers- Introduction
3- Transition
Welcome (Ice Breaker)- Grant
What is one time when you were really aware of the presence or power of God?
Worship- Kerry
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 81-90? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's sessions with Journey Guides?
4. Read 1 John 2:12-14. We are moving on now to consider what it means to be a father. Who are the people you would consider have been fathers in the faith? What characteristics do they have?
5. What does John say makes a father? Why does he repeat this? What does the word “know” mean here?
6. Read Acts 5:12-16. What qualities surrounded the early believers? How can we aspire to being like them? What stops us?
7. What changes do you need to make in your life to get closer to Jesus? What goals can we set and how can we be accountable?
8. On the page below, prayerfully make a list of people for whom you might be a spiritual father. Is it possible that God is calling you to lead a cell group for these people?
9. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Pray for the people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Ezekiel 17-24
People to whom I might be a father:
Is God calling you to form a cell group around these people?
People to whom I might be a father:
Is God calling you to form a cell group around these people?
People to whom I might be a father:
Is God calling you to form a cell group around these people?
People to whom I might be a father:
Is God calling you to form a cell group around these people?