Cell Group Meeting 51
Young Men- Spiritual Warfare
1- Angels And Demons
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
When you were a child, what was your favourite thing or place that you imagined?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Matthew 22-28? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. What does the phrase “spiritual warfare” mean to you?
4. Read Revelation 12. What do you think this chapter is about? How do you feel about beign caught up in this conflict?
5. Have you had any experience of angels or demons? How did that work out?
6. Why do you think that we don't like to think about these things?
7. What is the Good News in this passage?
8. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Our next outreach will be the “Courageous” movie. Friday night? Saturday night? After 9th May.
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Psalms 71-80
Cell Group Meeting 52
Young Men- Spiritual Warfare
2- Personal Demons
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What was the best party you attended?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 81-90? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session about angels and demons?
4. Read Luke 8:26-39. What occurs to you as you read this passage?
5. What was the result of this man's being possessed?
6. What do you think might have got him to this place?
7. How did Jesus heal the man?
8. Have you come across people who have been demon possessed? What is your reaction?
9. Note that we have been given all authority by Jesus- that includes authority over demons.
10. The John Alley prayer method for chronic demonic oppression
a. Take authority over demons- tell them to leave
b. Command God's peace to be over them
c. Impart fruit of Spirit and every other blessing you can think of.
11. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Our next outreach will be the “Courageous” movie. Saturday May 12th
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read Psalms 91-100
Cell Group Meeting 53
Young Men- Spiritual Warfare
3- Principalities
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
Which country do you admire the most? Why?
1. Homework. Did everyone read Psalms 91-100? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session about personal demons?
4. Read Ephesians 6:10-18. What occurs to you as you read this passage?
5. What do you make of Paul's description there of a hierarchy of evil spirits?
6. Have you ever encountered any of these things?
7. Read Daniel 10:1-14. What do you make of this description of a battle between the angel Gabriel and the spirit of the King of Persia?
8. What are some things that might give these spirits their power?
9. Are you aware of any similar spirits over Australia? Over Narrabri?
10. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
Our next outreach will be the “Courageous” movie. Saturday May 12th
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read 1 Corinthians chapters 1-8
Cell Group Meeting 54
Young Men- Spiritual Warfare
4- Curses
Welcome (Ice Breaker)
What was the best news you ever received?
Worship- Joshua
1. Homework. Did everyone read 1 Corinthians 1-8? What stood out in these chapters? Was there anything you did not understand? Did everyone do Grant's homework?
2. Have there been opportunities to talk to people about Jesus?
3. Are there any thoughts on last week's session about principalities?
4. Read Proverbs 18. What occurs to you as you read this passage? What do you think of verse 21?
5. Read Genesis 27:27-33. Note how Jacob's words of blessing are considered by everyone to carry power in their own right.
6. Read Matthew 27:22-25. How have these words of self-cursing affected Jewish history?
7. Curses ( and blessings) can come from the words of people in authority over us, from ourselves, from witches and other satanic people.
8. Read Galatians 3:13-14. Christ has become the curse for us! Freedom from all curses comes through the death of Christ on the cross.
9. Pray for one another and for the people on the “praying list”
What will our next outreach be? We need to actually invite people!
Pray for people on the list.
Housekeeping/ Homework
Who would like to organise worship next week?
Read 1 Corinthians chapters 9-16