Ephesians 5:14
“ for it is light that makes everything visible. That is why it is said:
‘ wake up O sleeper
rise from the dead
and Christ will shine on you.’”
Light makes everything visible. It is the instrument of exposing sin, depravity, and corruption.
light, as already has been explored, reveals the hearts of people by whether they are attracted to or repelled by it. In that sense, the light of the Lord acts like a magnetic field.
for the believer, what is important is that we are constantly led by the Holy Spirit, allowing the light of the Spirit to direct our paths and give us insight into the spiritual realm around us. Without that light, we are also stumbling in the darkness unable to distinguish that which is pleasing to the Lord from that which is opposed to the Lord.
paul now quotes a verse which seems to be related to an Old Testament text. Although the verse quotes fragments from Isaiah (9:2, 26:19, 52:1, 60:1 ), it is likely a portion of an early Christian hymn. in fact, Francis Foulkes, quoting F.F. Bruce, says it may well have been a baptismal hymn as baptism was often spoken of as moving away from darkness and into light1.
There are three metaphors of the Christian experience of Salvation here:
1. Waking up from sleep. Many people prior to conversion can be described as sleep walking through life. They are completely unaware of their reason for being, their destiny, or the way they should live.
The movie, “The Matrix” represents the human race as being enslaved, effectively asleep, by an alien race while their minds are filled with dreams that make it feel like they are living normal lives.
when we are converted, we are woken from this slumber, to see and experience our real life.
2. Rising from death. When we come to Christ we take up our cross and die to ourselves. Jesus then raises us up to new life in him. We become a new creation.
This is the meaning of being “ born again” or “ born of the spirit.” The dominant motif in christian baptism is not washing, but death and resurrection. In baptism we are drowned and our old nature is snuffed out so that we can be raised up by Christ and into Christ.
3. Moving from darkness and into the light of Christ. “ Christ will shine on you.” For all that Paul has written about avoiding the deeds associated with darkness, this is really only possible when we are illuminated by Christ.
when the light of Christ shines on us, we are first of all exposed and vulnerable. Our true nature, as God intended, is now visible to all. We were once clothed in darkness, but now we are clothed with Christ. He shows the potential of the life he has called us to.
the light of Christ also shines on us for the purpose of enabling us to walk in the light. The Psalmist said, “ Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” (Psalm 109:105). In Christ we now have the perfect light directing our every step.
Key point in this verse:
The light makes visible everything- both good and bad
To come to Christ is like waking up from a dangerous sleep
coming to Christ is like rising from the dead
The light of Christ covers us, leads and directs us
1Francis Foulkes::Ephesians- Tyndale New Testament Commentary Series, IVP, 1983