Blogging about faith and life in rural Australia
Quote for the Day
However, after the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, the church fragmented largely because it’s leaders -Martin Luther and John Calvin, jettisoned the episcopate -which was the main church office that held the body of Christ together regionally and beyond. Joseph Mattera
Love deeply…
Rejoice with the truth…
Quote for the Day
The present apostolic paradigm will bring a course correction to the so-called New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The Apostolic will no longer be viewed as an office, or a title, but will be used as an adjective, as a ministry function.
Clothe Yourselves…
While I mostly like Daylight Saving Time, I think it goes a bit too long. It seems odd to me that we have the sun rising after 7 am and so many people are getting up in the dark while we are so far from winter. If you look at the start and finish dates …
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