New Life Logo Website

New Life Christian Fellowship

Growing a Community of Faith in the Love of Jesus

Serving the People of Narrabri

We worship at 10 am each Sunday,
and at 4 pm on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Click the Worship link below for more details

Keith's Blog

Blogging about faith and life in rural Australia New Life Narrabri
  • Quote for the Day
    However, after the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, the church fragmented largely because it’s leaders -Martin Luther and John Calvin, jettisoned the episcopate -which was the main church office that held the body of Christ together regionally and beyond. Joseph Mattera
  • Love deeply…
  • Rejoice with the truth…
  • Quote for the Day
    The present apostolic paradigm will bring a course correction to the so-called New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). The Apostolic will no longer be viewed as an office, or a title, but will be used as an adjective, as a ministry function.
  • Clothe Yourselves…
  • Time
    While I mostly like Daylight Saving Time, I think it goes a bit too long. It seems odd to me that we have the sun rising after 7 am and so many people are getting up in the dark while we are so far from winter. If you look at the start and finish dates … Continue reading Time